New Family, New Genus, New Species of Acanthocephala (Echinorhynchida) from the Lizard, Sphenomorphus granulatus (Sauria: Scincidae), from Papua New Guinea

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New Family, New Genus, New Species of Acanthocephala (Echinorhynchida) from the Lizard, Sphenomorphus granulatus (Sauria: Scincidae), from Papua New Guinea

The Open Parasitology Journal 27 Dec 2007 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874421400701010007


Sauracanthorhynchus sphenomorphicola n. gen., n. sp. from the intestines of the skink Sphenomorphus granulatus (Scincidae) from Papua New Guinea is described and illustrated. Sauracanthorhynchus sphenomorphicola is characterized by a subterminal, spheroid proboscis supporting 25 hooks arranged in 10 alternating longitudinal rows of 2 and 3; apical hooks slightly shorter than medial and posterior hooks. The trunk is commaform with an anterior expansion; 2 contiguous ovoid testes are located in the anterior third of the trunk. Sauracanthorhynchus sphenomorphicola is sufficiently different from other species assigned to the Echinorhynchida that a new family, Sauracanthorhynchidae is erected for it.